Pemphigus Foliaceus Disease In Cats. In most cats, pemphigus foliaceus is a mild and localized disease consisting of erosions and yellowish crusts. Pemphigus diseases result from the formation of antibodies against keratinocyte structures, and differ because each has a different target antigen and/or histopathologic feature.

Pemphigus foliaceus is a rare autoimmune disease in cats accounting for less than 1% of the author’s skin cases. It is the most common autoimmune disease diagnosed in dogs and cats. Pf causes more superficial skin lesions and is not normally as severe as pemphigus vulgaris.
Most common type of pemphigus diagnosed in cats;
However, pemphigus foliaceus is the most common out of all the autoimmune skin diseases. Affected animals dogs and cats of any age or gender can be affected. Normally, the immune system releases proteins called antibodies to fight off foreign invaders like bacteria and viruses. There are three types of pemphigus in cats: