Can Cats Eat Chili Peppers. While he might enjoy a bit of plain shredded beef and some cheese, the rest of the spicy fare isn't on the list of your cat's favorite foods. I really enjoyed doing the news story.

The chilli plants are toxic to cats. So that’s my take on red peppers for dogs! Also, get her some cat grass.
As you may have gathered by now, cats can eat bell peppers, alright.
1.3.8 will onions and garlic make a cat sick? Almost all chili contains garlic and onions, which are extremely toxic to felines.garlic and onions hurt your cat by damaging red blood cells, which hinders their ability to deliver oxygen to body cells. If cats can eat spicy food at all? While chillies are in the nightshade family, of which some members are certainly toxic, chillies have been selected by the humans who bred them in south america to be non toxic, and i can find no strong evidence that chillies are harmful to cats o.