Is Almond Milk Alright For Cats. It is made by mixing water with finely ground almond nuts. When a cat picks an almond on the floor, it is alright.

“consuming cow’s milk alone won’t supply all the essential nutrients needed to support your cat’s health,” dempsey says. This type of milk isn’t healthy for most cats, especially if it’s taking the place of a balanced meal. Why almond milk and dogs doesn’t work.
Some almond or soy milk is sweetened as well, meaning there may be additional sugar added.
Because cats do not have the amylases enzyme, they cannot digest sugar. Although cats are carnivores, and thus would never eat a nut if it was placed on front of them, almond milk is a suitable option as it contains a high level of protein. Things you should 100% avoid feeding are onions, garlic, root veggies, tomatoes, raw potatoes, chocolate, grapes, raisins and milk. Almonds in their pure form can cause digestive upsets in dogs as once again they are simply not designed to digest them.