Nepeta Cat S Pajamas Care. It’s also significantly more compact and begins blooming much earlier than other nepeta, providing a cushion of blue in the garden as early as may. There's more to catmint (nepeta spp.) than catnip (nepeta cataria).
Nepeta faassenii 'Cat's Meow' (Catmint, Catnip) Plants from
Sales team 01886 833733 admin team 01886 833533 fax 01886 832917 It offers a ton of color, reblooms when trimmed back and invites the bees, butterflies and hummingbirds in for a visit. 'cat's pajamas' nepeta hybrid usppaf 31,127, can pbraf.
The cat's pajamas catmint is an easy to grow perennial.
Though that may be a favorite among cats, gardeners also value other cultivars, such. Though that may be a favorite among cats, gardeners also value other cultivars, such. 12 to 18 inches tall, 18 to 20 inches wide. Forming a tidy mound, ‘cat’s pajamas’ is just right for the front of a sunny border.