How To Get A Puppy To Stop Crying. This post is sponsored by. If your pug puppy won’t stop crying when in a crate, here’s what you need to do in order to fix things… for you, and the puppy’s sake.

Your pup will quickly learn that his crying gets your attention, and sooner than later, he will test you to see how much he can get away with it. The have an instinct to curl up into balls and they find small spaces comforting. It's when the whining or crying drags on and on and becomes a long term persistent habit.
When it gets night time put the crate near your bed so your puppy doesn’t have to fear being left alone.
With proper training and understanding on your part, your puppy will stop crying. At least twice a day, get your puppy engaged in an active game like playing fetch, keep away, chase, tug of war, or any other game your puppy loves to play. When a puppy cries and the problem gets worse, this is called an extinction burst. Stop puppy crying during the night by making the space a safe and comfortable one.