Can Cats Eat Mint Gum. Most cases of mint poisoning occur from ingesting large quantities of mint or being exposed to highly concentrated forms of mint, such as essential oils. A pet may find and chew on a package of gum or candy, or steal food from a countertop or table.

We’ll tell you what to look for in terms of symptoms and ingredients. I have yet to see any cat or kitten get ill or sick from a candy cane {peppermint} or is there something else in the peppermint oil that would be the culprit. If you’re allergic to mint, there are several products you may need to avoid.
After all, catnip is part of the mint family of herbs that cats ingest, and seeing peppermint is in that same family of plants, this one puzzles me.
Lets say a few words about this wonderful herb. Mint is a close relative of catnip, which is why your cat likes it so much. Jus trying to clarify so i can let my cat be in heaven. While prolonged exposure to mint can be the cause for mint poisoning, not all cats will develop mint poisoning upon exposure.