Do Cats Like Lavender Spray. Don't be too heavy handed with smells which are supposed to be calming scents for cats. In some cats, lavender can do just the opposite!

The mint plants i.e., its stems, flowers or leaves are not safe for cats since they contain essential oils that are toxic to cats, dogs, and even horses. Certain plants—lavender, rue, geranium, absinthe or lemon thyme are examples of smells that cats hate in the plat world. Lavender and cats does come with a stipulation.
Try tossing lavender and citrus peels in small bowls and place them on shelves next to breakable items, or other places where you do not want your cats to go.
Therefore, cats should not eat mint leaves or have their essential oil, including chocolate mint. Certain plants—lavender, rue, geranium, absinthe or lemon thyme are examples of smells that cats hate in the plat world. If used in a diffuser or heavily diluted, it might mimic the enjoyable scent of fresh lavender. Some cats don't mind lavender scents, but some absolutely hate them.