Coccidia Treatment Cats Ponazuril. Many cats that are infected with coccidia do not have diarrhea or any other clinical signs. For these reasons we recommend the use of ponazuril for treatment of coccidia in kittens.

For these reasons we recommend the use of ponazuril for treatment of coccidia in kittens. The most common coccidia of cats and dogs are isospora.some isospora spp of cats and dogs can facultatively infect other mammals and produce in various organs an encysted form that is infective for the cat or dog. However, its meat withdrawal is 42 days for lambs.
Ponazuril is a drug which is used to treat protozoal and coccidial infections in dogs and cats.
While it is labeled for use in horses, it is also used in cats, dogs. Toxoplasma infections are considered particularly serious because of the potential for transmission from the pet to humans. Some rescue people dilute ponazuril and use it on cats. Immature coccidia or oocysts (cysts containing zygote formed by the parasite) can enter the body through direct contact with feces of an.