Will Cats Eat Tomatoes. If your cat enters a tomato plantation, it may eat the fruit or other parts of the plant. The leaves of the tomato plant contain tomatine which can be toxic to the heart, but very large amounts would have to be eaten by a cat or a dog in order to cause toxicity.

The answer is simple, not at all! Adding chopped tomatoes in cats dish will boost your cats with vitamin naturally. While poisoning won’t typically be the result when cats eat a small amount of the tomato plant, ingestion can lead to vomiting, diarrhea, confusion, weakness and.
As i state below (skip to the bottom line), based on my research, the short answer is yes, cats can safely eat ripe tomatoes without risk.
Cats do not typically eat or like the raw, green tomatoes because of its taste and texture. Can cats eat tomatoes?however, tomato flowers, stems and leaves contain harmful ingredients, so avoid contact and accidental ingestion. Whether cooked, raw, or as an ingredient in commercial cat foods, ripe tomatoes don't contain the levels of toxins that make unripe tomatoes, stems, and leaves dangerous. Although food allergies in pets are quite rare, they’re not unheard of.