Why Does My Cat Sleep On My Chest. He slept at the end of my bed, but when i woke in pain but made no sound he would stir and come and rest on my chest. A cat that’s curled up with their tail in a graceful swoop around their body and their head tucked in toward their chest is doing their best to conserve body heat.

Though it can be annoying to have your cat sleep on your chest, especially if you don’t want them to, it commonly does mean that your cat loves you and feels safe with you. They are attracted to warm spots, whether indoors or outside. Your chest may get clawed:
Why does my cat sleep on me:
Slow blinking, head bunting, kneading, and sleeping on us are a few of the more obvious behaviors. Can never get him to curl up between my butt and legs. Your cat’s wild cousins do it, and it’s a natural instinct even the most pampered house cat can’t suppress. For a cat cuddling under your chin.