Why Does My Cat Eat My Hair. A less innocent reason for your cat's interest in your hair could involve an obsessive compulsion called pica. Of course, your hair smells like you and clearly belongs to you, so your cat includes it in her repertoire of grooming you.

My cat just recently had a not so fun exploratory surgery where we recovered 12 partially digested hair bands causing a blockage in 2 areas of intestine. Hair doesn't exactly seem like too appetizing a meal, so consider all of the potential reasons why your cat may have the desire to chow down on such a strange thing. Why does my cat eat his own hair?
It is a very effective way to get me up.
I always thought that it was because maybe my hair reminded her of yarn or a string and we all know how cats love to play with those. Besides being a sign of affection, it has to do with your living situation. This strange behaviour to humans can be easily explained: It’s a behavior that can very easily enter other areas of a cat’s life.” while the behavior on its own shouldn’t necessarily be cause for alarm—cats just sometimes like to chew on stuff—if a cat’s urge to chew becomes compulsive, it can lead to serious issues.