Why Do Cats Poop Outside The Litter Box. If you make access difficult for a cat with weak back legs, accidents outside the litter box will follow. Why do cats pee outside of the litter box?

Why do cats pee outside of the litter box? A number of health issues can result in litter box concerns and these conditions ought to be dismissed prior to assuming that the problem is behavioral in origin. Litter box sand needs to be sifted for droppings minimum twice a day, and completely empt.
A cat urinates outside its litter box for one of two general reasons:
Why do cats pee outside of the litter box? Quite simply, either there is something wrong with your cat or something is wrong with your cat’s litter box. If your cat is also urinating outside of the litter box, having trouble producing urine or stool, crying in the box, or showing additional signs of distress, seek veterinary attention right away. Cats are very clean creatures.