Why Do Cats Pant. Water is essential to cats, who depend on proper daily fluid intake to maintain appropriate health and replace fluids that are routinely lost through urine, feces and respiration.water makes up 80 percent of your cat’s body, and is necessary for all his. Dehydration is an imbalance of water and electrolytes (minerals) in the body, and can cause serious complications for pets and people alike.

Having evolved from an ancestor that lived in desert regions, cats are much better at dealing with heat than dogs. It may seem strange, especially for new cat owners. The most common reason for this is because when cats are nervous their heart rate goes up and they tend to pant as a result.
Much of the time what cat owners may perceive as panting is really another type of behavior called the flehman reaction.
Dehydration is an imbalance of water and electrolytes (minerals) in the body, and can cause serious complications for pets and people alike. Rapid breathing in felines can be due to an underlying health condition, so it’s important to pay attention to any clues or cues as to why they’re suddenly panting. This is why it is so important to seek out the cause of the panting. Some cats pant when they get extremely stressed, such as when they are taken for a car ride or are exposed to a new pet, especially a dog.