Why Do Cats Lick Each Other. According to hartstein, “cats don’t see as well as they smell, so it’s a group scent or scenting component. But if the biting doesn’t look like they are playing, then it could be one of the cats gets annoyed with.

With newborn kittens, it is essential. Why do cats lick each other? So let’s get into a few reasons why cats slap each other.
At birth, you will notice the queen will lick its kittens’ abdomen and private areas.
So, why do cats groom each other? Whatever the exact reason may be, one thing is for sure, it’s very cute! Cats licking or grooming each other is a sign of affection, and this bond between cats is known as allogrooming. This is really important between kittens and cats where they’re part of a colony or each other’s family.