Who Wrote 1 Peter. Or that the alleged sign of maturity was actually present in the church before the apostle’s death. The book of 1 st peter is a general epistle (apostolic letter).

On several occasions on the blog i’ve talked about the issue, most recently at length in a repost earlier this year:… There are two main theories concerning the location from which peter wrote his first epistle. The author of 1 peter is identified as “peter, an apostle of jesus christ” (1 pet.
We don’t know, but it probably wasn’t peter.
The letter of 1 peter opens with an attribution of authorship to peter, one of the original twelve disciples of jesus christ.some scholars, like those in currents in biblical research, believe sylvanus, mentioned in v. In 5:13 peter indicates that he was in babylon when he wrote 1 peter. There are very strong objections to thinking the same person wrote 1 and 2 peter. Peter wrote both 1 peter and 2 peteranswerthe first epistle of peter is believed to be pseudepigraphical, written in the second century.