When To Put A Cat To Sleep With Hyperthyroidism. He lasted another three years, mostly happily. When the kidneys cannot efficiently remove toxic waste from a cat's body, the cat is considered to be in renal or kidney insufficiency, which is the first stage of kidney disease.

94% of cats who develop hyperthyroidism are over 10 years old. Although i would never put a cat to sleep based on a diagnosis of hyperthyroidism if the owners refused to treat, i do think treatment is warranted to maintain quality of life. Iodine management can also help.
If your cat does not have elevated t4 levels but your veterinarian still suspects your cat has hyperthyroidism, additional tests may be recommended.
This is a big one. She was in a fairly bad condition and only going downhill so that seemed the kindest thing to do, even though she would have lived a few more weeks or a month if we hadn't. If your cat does not have elevated t4 levels but your veterinarian still suspects your cat has hyperthyroidism, additional tests may be recommended. He put him on methimazole, starting with 1 ml 2x daily.