When Do Kittens Lose Their Baby Teeth. Kittens lose their milk teeth just as human babies and most other domestic animals do. Not all cats’ teeth grow at the same rate.

From 4 to 6 weeks old, the four bottom premolars, located at the side and back of her mouth, come through. However, this is not a hard and fast rule. A few weeks later (or as early as 3 months old) these baby or “milk” teeth may start coming out as adult teeth start growing in.
The difference between the total numbers of baby and adult teeth comes from the fact that kittens do not develop molar teeth.
Simply put, the baby teeth do not become completely decayed or worn down to the enamel as the older teeth do. Kittens start losing their baby teeth around 9 weeks of age, and from that time until their adult teeth are fully grown in at 5 to 6 months, you can count on lots of chewing action. Their kitten teeth also referred to as primary, milk, or deciduous teeth, and then their permanent, or adult teeth. Not all cats’ teeth grow at the same rate.