Vestibular Disease In Cats. Once identified, it will help your veterinarians make the proper diagnosis of which forms of treatment are required. The cause is unknown, although it may be due to changes in the inner ear.

Overview of feline vestibular disease. Air travel with your pets. Vestibular disease in dogs and cats by vestibular disorders association vestibular disorders are not unique to humans.
All higher animals that have a vestibular system—from fish to mammals—can be afflicted, including cats and dogs.
If they determine it is an ear issue, then once the issue is treated, your cat should recover within a few weeks. Causes of the condition can include chronic and recurrent inner and middle ear infections, overzealous cleaning of the ears resulting in a perforated eardrum, trauma from head injury, stroke, tumors, polyps, meningoencephalitis, hypothyroidism, as well as certain drugs like the aminoglycoside antibiotics. However, there are some signs that you can initially watch for and identify. The vestibular system is primarily responsible for keeping the head and body in the correct orientation with respect to gravity.