Smalls For Cats. They outcome was smalls food for cats that is prepared with 100% human grade ingredients. What did the cats think of smalls cat food?

17, 2016 from spirit of the hills. “the perfect and healthiest foods for your cats” “smalls is on a mission to elevate cats and cat people.”. Smalls information smalls is an online cat food brand that specializes in fresh and premium cat food recipes.
We're bringing fresh, human grade meals for your cats straight to your door every month.
Smalls is a great choice in my opinion because my cats loved it and they give me many options when selecting a plan. Most cats don’t like water because their coats do not insulate them well enough. Smalls wet food recipes were developed with the help of susan lauten, phd, who owns a pet nutrition consulting firm. Smalls buys all of their ingredients the same day they cook it and then freeze it right away.