Slow Loris Pet. They are most closely related to the slender lorises of south asia, followed by the angwantibos, pottos and false. • slow lorises are in serious danger of extinction, with the biggest threat to survival being the illegal trade in wildlife.

As its name suggests, it is only found on java island in indonesia. There are several species, the smallest of which is the pygmy small loris, and the largest is about the size of a small house cat. Greater, pygmy, philippine, kayan river, bengal, bornean, mangka, and javan slow loris.
See more ideas about slow loris, loris, animals wild.
Customers find them irresistible, but these primates don’t fare well. However, it is not wise to keep a slow loris as a pet, due to the above said reasons. Most countries have rules against the purchase of exotic species (including the slow loris). If you come across a video or photo of a pet slow loris on the internet, please know that, while it may appear cute, the animal in the video is suffering and so is the entire species.