Roundworm Cat Worms Identify. If your cat has a small number of worms,. Importantly, while worms can sometimes cause problems for the cat itself, some worms can also be passed on to humans and on rare occasions can be a cause of serious human disease.

Additionally, look at your cat's gums, which should be pink if it's healthy, or white or grey if it has worms. If you think your cat has been exposed to worms, please contact your vet immediately. Tapeworms are long, flat worms composed of multiple segments.
This can be prevented by following simple hygienic practices.
These worms usually stay within the cat, and you will not see worms in the feces or vomit. while it's not impossible to contract roundworm from an insect or rodent that makes its way inside, such an occurrence is relatively rare. If your cat has a small number of worms,. Because it is relatively easy for a cat to acquire worms, it is a good idea to know the warning signs so you can seek veterinary treatment for the problem early on.