Rosy Boa Pet. Its generally docile temperament and small size make the rosy boa an ideal choice for a pet snake due to it easy care and small enclosure size. Ball pythons are just more popular because of all the morphs and because pet stores say they're the best ever.

Rosy boa (lichanura trivirgata ssp.)native range: Rosy boas are growing in popularity but it can still be difficult to find one. Typically a reptile expo is the best way to find these snakes for sale.
It comes in many colors.
Personality traits fluctuate from rosy boa to rosy boa. It’s predictable temperament, manageable size, and vivid stripes make this subspecies very desirable. Be happy that you have a cool pet boa that’s a bit of a bad boy. They’re generally a light brown to dark brown, and every natural variation has three stripes.