Rare Pets Wow. A rare creature in wow has a silver dragon image around its portrait. The browser can filter based on search parameters (name and location), if the pets are rare, elite, exotic or normal, their type, which expansion they were added and which buffs they provide.

We've compiled a list of world of warcraft pets for hunters separated into zones for easy lookup. All wow hunter pets listed for the storm peaks. This article is about rare hunter pets.for rare small pets, see companion.
Darkmoon faire darkshore deepholm desolace draenor hunter pets dragonblight dread wastes drops a mount dun morogh dungeon rares durotar duskwood dustwallow marsh eastern plaguelands elwynn forest eversong woods faction champions felwood feralas fishing frostbitten ghostlands glorious achievement grizzly hills group boss hellfire peninsula.
I have the purple skin portent and would like to have the blue also. Each zone is presented as a seperate group, organized. The list is ordered alphabetically by the pets name in game. Filter all world of warcraft battle pets and vanity pets by source, family and mobility.