Ragamuffin Black Ragdoll Cat. Some ragdoll breeders don’t consider them ‘true’ ragdolls and probably the ragamuffin breeders don’t either, as they have over time tried to get away from the ragdoll standard to make their own distinct breed. Country muffins ragamuffin breeder is a registered cattery with cfa and acfa.

Much like the ragdoll, they are also one of the laziest breeds, because of this they should be kept as indoor pets. Get beautiful and cute purebred acfa/cfa ragamuffin kittens for adoption available in a variety of colors. Black ragdoll cats can have all the features of a ragdoll, such as the large size, the silky coat, and unique personality, but black ragdoll cats do not have the traditional ragdoll points (mask, legs, ears, blue eyes, and tails).
They will often flop and go limp when you hold them.
Some ragdoll breeders don’t consider them ‘true’ ragdolls and probably the ragamuffin breeders don’t either, as they have over time tried to get away from the ragdoll standard to make their own distinct breed. The breeding of ragdolls was strictly controlled by the breed’s creator ann baker. Ragdoll cats and ragamuffin cats are commonly confused—in fact, some sites like petmd use the names interchangeably.but according to the cat fancier’s association, ragdolls and ragamuffins are two unique breeds with a few key differences in appearance. When looking at a ragamuffin vs a ragdoll there isn’t a whole lot to distinguish the two.