Puppy Eating Rocks. “proper training needs to start pretty much immediately from the time you get the puppy,” said tusko. Sometimes, because of the fear that they might get sick from eating dirt and rocks, you can’t help but freak out.

When you catch your dog eating rocks, distract him from the rocks and redirect his attention to something safe or fun, like playing fetch or chewing a safe toy. Eating rocks can be an expensive disorder to treat, depending on the cause and if he has any intestinal obstructions. When it comes to exploring their environment, puppies are exactly like their human counterparts;
During development, your puppy wants to discover how everything works.
There are many reasons why a dog eats stones, however, here we list the most common causes of a dog eating rocks:. Once the vet rules out that your dog is not in any immediate danger from any rocks, a detailed history of your dog’s diet, behavior and blood. This could include liver and gastrointestinal issues or anemia. If he normally inhales his food and drinks a half a bowl of water at dinner time, pay attention to see if his response to food and water has changed.