Polished Pet Charm. Not quite sure what pets are good or worth buying,if any. The pocket pet portal item, which was an achievement reward for completing 30 of the pet battle world quests on the broken isles, will be added to a vendor with a polished pet charm cost.

This is to avoid players feeling obligated to farm previous expansion’s world quests. Many of the popular level 25 pets. The pocket pet portal item, which was an achievement reward for completing 30 of the pet battle world quests on the broken isles, will be added to a vendor with a polished pet charm cost.
Many of the popular level 25 pets.
Polished pet charm farm guide? I just got back into pet battles too! Recently i've started using them to buy the seabreeze bumblebee to sell, which on my server goes for around 20,000g (costs 250 charms). In the other items category.