Peter Parker Imagines. You're trying to get a box of papers from one teacher to another before your break is over. Steve rogers, bruce banner, tony stark, clint barton, loki laufeyson, thor odinson, peter parker, bucky barnes, pietro maximoff, vision, and stephen strange.

She felt his absence more deeply than she’d ever felt anything before. However, peter forgets to tell the reader he’s going with liz, and the reader gets dressed up and waits for peter to arrive. So basically it’s like the avengers find out you’re dating peter after they catch you together.
First time writing peter stuff (maybe the last?
Could you do an imagine where the reader can “control” (she really can’t control it) the elements and one day she does something bad and people are after her then she runs into cap. Steve rogers, bruce banner, tony stark, clint barton, loki laufeyson, thor odinson, peter parker, bucky barnes, pietro maximoff, vision, and stephen strange. Peter parker +tom holland imagines! Imagine requests are wide open!