Peta Kills Animals. Peta aims to help kids see in no uncertain terms the violent truth behind their fathers’ outdoor pastime. Peta has also trivialized slavery, comparing the keeping of zoo animals […]
PETA on Animals, Sheep, The shepherd from
Virginia’s department of agriculture and consumer services has published statistics of animal shelter records for 2019, and the numbers for people for the ethical treatment of animals (peta) are shocking. In the last 20 years, peta has killed at least 40,854 dogs and cats, including healthy puppies and kittens; Many employees have quit out of.
People for the ethical treatment of animals (peta;
Its slogan is animals are not ours to experiment on, eat, wear, use for entertainment, or abuse in any other way. In the last 20 years, peta has killed at least 40,854 dogs and cats, including healthy puppies and kittens; Peta has compared eating meat to killing jews in the holocaust. People for the ethical treatment of animals (peta) has a problem when it comes to the ethical treatment of humans.