Pet Rabbit Lifespan. Are you thinking of purchasing your first furry little rabbit? How long do lionhead rabbits live their lifespan pets mentor

A domestic or domesticated rabbit (oryctolagus cuniculus domesticus)—more commonly known as a pet rabbit, a bunny, a bun, or a bunny rabbit—is a subspecies of european rabbit.a domestic rabbit kept as a pet may be considered a pocket pet, depending on its size.a male rabbit is known as a buck, a female is a doe, and a young rabbit is a kit, or kitten. You might want to search for tips on how to take good care of. A rabbit that lives indoors tends to have a higher lifespan than one that stays outdoors because it is naturally protected while indoors.
Here is some information related to your pet rabbit’s life span and how to extend that lifespan.
How long do pet rabbits live pet rabbits lifespan comments how long do dwarf rabbits live with life expectancy table If you intend to bring home a new pet rabbit or you already have one, you can use the techniques i have shared in this article for giving your domestic rabbits improved health. Owning a pet rabbit comes with added financial responsibility. Oldest rabbit lived 14 years.