Pet Attack Macro Shadowlands. #showtooltip /cast [@mouseover, exists] raise ally; This will force your pet to attack the target that you use outbreak on.

This is a handy macro for pulling your pet back if they’re in danger. [button:1] or [button:leftbutton] = you used the assigned keybinding or a left mouse click to activate the macro 2 or rightbutton 3 or middlebutton Note that if you select the macro picture the first line of the macro will make this icon the fear spell, and will allow your usual tooltip to display.
Beast mastery and survival hunters should tie their attack command to their kill command command.
Download world of warcraft addon pet attack for versions 1.13.3 / 9.0.1, shadowlands, classic, 2020 Hey everyone, for some time now i've been trying to make a macro that will do the following: I built bolvar‘s hammer from shadowlands. Pressing the shift key will dismiss your current pet.