Persian Cats Favorite Food. Don’t count on using your persian pal as a furry doorstop, however. To show love for cats to your cat, you can stroke the cat or serve the cats favorite foods.

Don’t count on using your persian pal as a furry doorstop, however. You can always feed them packaged food and wet food. And, let's be honest, a warm lap occasionally.
Until the late 19 th century, when breeding and showing cats became popular, longhaired cats from persia, turkey, afghanistan and other exotic locales were known simply as “asiatic” cats and were often bred together.
The average persian cat lives for around 12 years. Colorpoint persian cats have no special nutritional needs, however you might wish to look for food that contains added omega essential fatty acids to support skin and coat health. Made to support your cat’s muscles and to help them live a healthy, natural life. You can always feed them packaged food and wet food.