Pedialyte Bad For Cats. In some situations pedialyte alone is not sufficient and other measures will need to be taken by a professional. If this is the case, it’s best to contact your vet for advice.

Balanced electrolyte solutions for treating dehydration in children are available at drugstores. Pedialyte should not replace a cat’s normal diet. It is also be lethal and cause toxicity in cats when absorbed in large quantities.
Ringer's lactate with 5% dextrose in water and a solution called pedialyte are suitable for cats.
Rehydrate during the flu when you need rehydration after the stomach flu and other viruses, pedialyte advancedcare ® plus has 3x the electrolytes of leading sports drinks. I doubt it was the pedialyte as it's made for babies and vets have been recommending it for years. 75 mg is the minimum daily requirement, and most cats won't have more than 1 cup of pedialyte, so they'd get, at most, 2 mg of zinc from the's safe, and necessary. Glucose is what is in our blood and keeps us alive.