Pectus Excavatum In Dogs And Cats. Pe is a dorsal to ventral narrowing of the thorax, also known as funnel chest (fossum, 2002), whereas pc is a ventral protrusion of the sternum, also known as pectus galinatum or pigeon breast (cardenal, 1954). Boudrieau r et al (1990) pectus excavatum in dogs and cats.

Pectus excavatum has been sporadically reported in cats. Fossum t w, boudrieau r, hobson h p (1989) pectus excavatum in eight dogs and six cats. Kitten with severe pectus excavatum being prepared for surgery.
While this can be a serious and even fatal condition when left untreated, corrective surgery and/or splints can correct the problem.
Cats aren't the only species that can have this problem, as humans and dogs can suffer from it as well. It turned out that clark had a condition called pectus excavatum, also known as “funnel chest.” in this disease, the breast bone and the cartilage that connects the ribs to the breast bone is deformed, which makes the chest narrow and pushes the breast bone into vital organs. Pectus excavatum in dogs and cats. Deformities of the anterior thorax wall, named pectus, are commonly observed in children and teenagers (beirão, 1999);