Pectus Excavatum Cat Life Expectancy. We do this by providing cat owners, veterinary professionals and those that live and work with cats with the resources, support and advice they need to care better for their cats. Pectus excavatum cat life expectancy.
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Chronic renal failure is usually a progressive condition. Talk to a doctor now With pectus excavatum, the sternum goes inward to form a depression in the chest.
Pectus excavatum is an unusual congenital condition and, as such, there is a relative paucity of published information concerning the condition in companion animals.
Pectus excavatum (pe) is a congenital malformation of the sternum and costochondral cartilages causing narrowing of the chest ventrodorsally or sternal depression. Surgery is best performed when kittens or puppies are young to allow the cartilage to develop in a more normal orientation. Pectus excavatum can impair cardiac and respiratory function and cause pain in the chest and back. There is no set life expectancy of a kitten with pectus excavatum since the severity can vary from case to case, however affected kittens are more prone to secondary respiratory and cardiac conditions;