Newborn Puppy Crying In Pain. A puppy reacts differently to a painful scratch or cuts on the paw pad compared to a tummy ache or ear infection, for example. The progress seems so minimal but we are sticking to it.

Yesterday i took my pups and momma to the vet because she is not prodcing milk, i am hand feeding them esbilac every two and half hours, the puppy i am concerned with is crying and seems to be in pain kind of like gas pains, i have tried to stimulate her into going to the bathroom or just a plain old fart but it is not. Remember that newborn puppies have a very limited way of showing distress, pain or illness. I have a newborn puppy who experienced this.
I already isolated the puppy and started force feeding him because he won't eat.
It might not be wise to bring the puppy in due to the sickness from other animals in the clinic, but they can probably advise you. You want to ease his distress, but you don’t want to encourage the crying, either. The best way to get your puppy to stop crying is to get to the root of the problem. Puppy pain can be hidden because dog symptoms don't look like what you'd expect.