Newborn French Bulldog Puppy Weight. Early or sudden death in puppies is usually referred to as fading puppy syndrome. Reasons a french bulldog puppy might die early on are usually due to difficult whelping, congenital or genetic defects, environmental factors (i.e.

Human babies are somewhat similar. A french bulldog is considered a small to medium breed dog depending on the sire and dam size and weight. Litter mates can vary in size.
Most puppies lose weight during the first day, and then start gaining it each day.
The early care and environment of the french bulldog newborn puppy are very important. At birth puppies are blind, deaf, cannot regulate their own body temperature. Too cool or drafty), infection, viruses, toxic milk or insufficient nourishment. It’s a good idea that you consult a puppy weight chart first so you can get a good idea what to expect as your cute, little furball grows up.