Nepeta Cat S Pajamas Plant. Nepeta 'cat's pajamas' is a true breakthrough in catmint breeding. ‘cat’s pajamas’ is a hybrid between n.

Spacing for this plant is to be at minimum eighteen inches, center on center to ensure a healthy plant for years to come. It’s also significantly more compact and begins blooming much earlier than other nepeta, providing a cushion of blue in the garden as early as may. As with all nepeta, ‘cat’s pajamas’ is fragrant and deters the rabbits and deer.
Cut plants back hard—to just a few inches tall—after the first wave of flowers to keep plants compact and to encourage repeat bloom.
Best avoided if you don't want the neighbours cats rolling round your borders!! Anemone fall in love™ 'sweetly' bare root grow out trials results. Unlike older varieties that only produce flowers at the top of the stems, this improved catmint has blooms from the soil to the tips of the stems. Ook na de bloei geven de paarsroze schutblaadjes nog kleur.