Natural Cat Repellent For Gardens. Using cat repellent plants is as natural as you can get in your battle to deter cats from your garden and this will appeal to those people who for whatever reason can’t or don’t want to use any of the commercial cat deterrents. Other deterrents include coffee grounds, blood meal, ground ginger and cayenne pepper.

All four of these essential oils make an excellent cat repellent. We provide you with recipes for homemade cat repellent for outdoor areas that will drive away any curious cats without injuring them. This commercial cat repellent comes in a granular form, which you simply sprinkle around the problem area.
The idea is not to harm the cats, but simply make digging inconvenient.
Like lots of herbs it’s best off in pots, which is handy for repelling cats as you can move the pots around to different parts of the garden to protect nesting birds. “cat repellent” is a broad term referring to a variety of sprays, powders, natural substances, devices, and other tools that, generally speaking, safely make an area unappealing to cats by either scaring them away or making the location uncomfortable. If you're unsure about a plant, herb, or repellent. This article examines diy cat deterrent solutions that you can use around the home.