Natural Cat Deterrent For Furniture. Cats don't like the sticky feel of the tape on their paws. I tried this new cat deterrent spray recipe made with rosemary essential oil, and it is working!

I tried this new cat deterrent spray recipe made with rosemary essential oil, and it is working! If you're looking for a natural cat deterrent spray recipe that helps keep cats away from scratching furniture and messing on the floor, here is a helpful guide. Cat repellents are made of strong scents that cats hate so they act as natural barriers.
Spray the natural cat repellent on furniture or areas where you wish to prevent your cat from going.
Pour mixture into a spray bottle. This article will cover natural indoor and outdoor deterrents for every scenario where cats are causing trouble. Options like covering furniture with plastic can also prove annoying, especially from an aesthetic perspective. Spray your cat repellent wherever you want to keep cats away from.