My Cat Ran Away And Won T Come To Me. Try placing food out for the cat at a likely exit point, to encourage the cat to come out. The males will probably not hurt her, but they'll fight with each other over her.

If the cat knows the sound of its favorite food being shaken, especially treats, try shaking them near the exit point. My cat ran away in the night. This happened over the weekend and i gave him what i could until the monday morning.
If the cat is new, scared or spooked, it may take a while before the cat feels ready to come out.
She is 6 yrs old and is spayed and she is a very intelligent cat. My cat jumped in my trunk without my knowledge on 12/22. These statistics on cats running away can help provide some context [4] : I think the mixture of this has caused my cat to go into shell shock, and now he won't come home, outside of just to eat.