Mixed Breed Cat With Blue Eyes. If you have a cat and suspect it may be part siamese one way to know for sure is with dna testing, but this is costly and not something everyone wants to do. We all know just how beautiful cats with blue eyes can be.

It is a hybridization between a serval and a domestic cat. Can black cats have blue eyes? The name ojos azules is a spanish translation of 'blue eyes'.
Tuxedo cats are characterized by their black and white coats with markings that resemble a tuxedo.
The origins of the breed date back to 1984 when a tortoiseshell cat from a feral colony in new mexico produced a litter with intense blue eyes like hers. The siamese cat is small and agile. The name originated in india and would suit a cat with deep blue. They will all be flead wormed and litter trained before leaving.