Merle French Bulldog Health Issues. The traditional delivery method is dangerous for the mother and the pups. The breeder would have to mate a blue frenchie with a merle colored one and, due to merle being a dominant gene, there is a high chance that it will result in a blue merle.

It also elevates the risks of sigh deformation, especially if the dog is a carrier of two of these genes. When blue french bulldogs are bred with a merle french bulldog, you get a blue merle frenchie. Our merle french bulldog puppies for sale always come with a one full year health guarantee and a clean bill of health from a certified us veterinarian.
There are three genotypes the dog can carry.
Merle and rare colored french bulldogs. However, two merle dogs should not be bred to avoid health defects. The reported health issues in merle french bulldogs occur may occur if the dog is mm. Practically, brachycephalic means “with a short head” and their face was made to be short purely out of aesthetic purposes.