Megacolon In Cats Treatment. The cause of idiopathic megacolon is unknown, but cats with mild or moderate forms often benefit from increased dietary fiber, administration of laxatives or stool softeners of various kinds, and drugs called prokinetic agents (like cisapride) that stimulate the muscles of the colon. Treatment of megacolon and constipation in cats.

Megacolon can be a congenital or acquired condition. The cause of idiopathic megacolon is unknown, but cats with mild or moderate forms often benefit from increased dietary fiber, administration of laxatives or stool softeners of various kinds, and drugs called prokinetic agents (like cisapride) that stimulate the muscles of the colon. The colon serves as a site for the absorption of water and storage of fecal material and ends at the rectum.
The gastrointestinal tract consists of a tube that runs from the mouth to the anus.
Constipation is a common problem in cats. All information is peer reviewed. Megacolon is a fairly common issue in cats that occurs when the large intestine (or colon) is distended and filled with feces in a severe form of constipation. Sometimes they chew on other foreign things such as strings, paper, hair that cause intestinal blockage.