Matted Cat Hair Removal. Matted cat fur, on the other hand, damages tissue by preventing oxygen and moisture from reaching it. Never bathe a cat before removing mats.

When it’s removed, you can then brush it again. However, as the cat gets older and needs a little help, they are unfamiliar with what you are trying to do and can resent the tugging and pulling on their skin. All you have to do is apply the oil to the mat and wait a couple minutes.
All you have to do is apply the oil to the mat and wait a couple minutes.
Next, use a wide toothed comb to brush the ends of your hair, slowly working upward to release the knots. Most clippers come with a number 10 blade. If her fur is bad enough that the mat is just one giant stretch of knotted hair, that's a situation that probably calls for a professional, as shaving her fur might be necessary. Practice matted hair prevention from early in your cat's life.