Male Or Female Cats Spray. They like to roam, sometimes leaving for a few days at a time. Why do female cats spray?

While their urine doesn't have the same strong odor as that of an unneutered tomcat, it's still smelly and destructive. Intact cats are more than two times as likely to spray compared to fixed felines. Some female cats spray while in heat, while some male cats have been known to be more affectionate.
The main disadvantage of male cats is that they “spray.” if you see a male cat with his tail straight up in the air backing toward a wall, he’s probably spraying it with urine.
Male cats are often significantly larger than female cats. Cats tend to rub their cheeks in the core part of their territory where they feel safe and relaxed. They use urine spray to mark the areas of their territory where they feel threatened. Female cats also come with some behavioral drawbacks of their own, like… even though many people think that only male cats spray, the fact of the matter is that some females do, too.