Low Maintenance Pets Dogs. Grooming, training, exercise, or independence. Whether you live in a small space, you’re looking for a calm companion, or you’re about to be a first time pup parent, these 10 low maintenance dog breeds are some of the easiest to own (in no particular order).

They need a large variety of food, with particular attention paid to the amount of roughage they consume. Despite popular belief, not all large dog breeds are active and full of energy. In addition, most dogs should be walked daily so they get the exercise they need to be as healthy as possible.
The maltese is blissfully happy to snuggle in your lap, but if you get a hankering for a walk or playtime, it will be equally delighted to change.
Here is a list of low maintenance pets for kids that you can consider having at home. High or low maintenance, do you know? Some can do with just a few feeds a day, fresh water and air and no need for playtime or walks twice a day for exercise and poop. Those dog breeds who do not demand much effort of their owners in their grooming, cleaning and training aspects come in the bracket of low maintenance dogs.