Lion Cut Shaved Cat. Lion cuts are sometimes performed for practical reasons, particularly when a cat’s fur has become too matted to brush or comb out and has to be cut right down to the hair line to remove the. I feel more comfortable now in having my cat shaved to cut down on her excessive shedding in my apartment.

The lion cut is often recommended for extremely matted hair is exceedingly matted, for extreme heat, or for cats who are suffering from hairballs. If shedding, matting and hot weather are a problem for your long hair cat then you might want to consider a cat lion cut. Lion cuts are done for many reasons, mostly to cool the cat or cut down on shedding and hairballs.
Here are some reasons why it’s a good idea.
With the lion cut, your cat retains hair on her face but loses the rest of her hair. There are a few variations on the cut, but the basic look leaves the cat with very short fur on his body and legs, while his face, neck and most if not all of his tail are left alone. A loin shaved cat is a popular style for medium to long haired cats in which their entire body is shaved. 50 cats with lion haircuts.