Lavender Essential Oil Diffuser Around Cats. Because an essential oil is so concentrated, the natural enzymes in them can be anywhere from 500 to even 2000 times stronger than the original plant. There are some oils that can be used on or around cats… just do so with caution and dilute them more than you would for yourself or another animal.

Essential oil facts — and common sense. Lavender is certainly not safe for ingestion. Diffusing essential oils in a nebulizing diffuser is the most common way to receive the benefits of aromatherapy.
You might also note swelling, bumps, blistering, or redness on the lips, tongue, and gums.
The north american essential oil and aromatherapy experts has explored essential oils safe for cats, as well as many veterinarians and pet wellness explorers. It has a calming effect, so it’s great for car rides, vet visits or other commonly stressful situations. Much like with cedar wood, peppermint essential oil is great for keeping fleas and other pests at bay without harming your feline friend. Is lavender essential oil safe for cats?