Lavender Diffuser And Cats. “essential oils in active diffusers (where microdroplets are released into the environment) or sprays can fall onto a pet’s fur coat, where they can be absorbed through the skin or ingested during grooming,” warns richardson. Use lavender to calm your cat.

While a lavender plant itself isn’t toxic to your cat, formulations from the plant can be. Like the plant itself, the lavender essential oil has so many benefits for dogs, cats, and even horses as well. In any case, you should watch out for signs of irritation or breathing problems in your pet when introducing a reed diffuser in your house.
What we found was a lot of contradictory information, with some sources claiming that all essential oils are toxic to cats.
And then i started thinking about using them in a diffuser to get even more benefits from the. Having a home that smells of lavender is. Cats may also get lavender poisoning when licking droplets from diffusers and sprays fallen on their fur. They are similar to your cats and move away from smells they don’t like.