Kidney Stones In Cats Ureter. 26 in fact, information collected from. Kidney stones (which are rare in cats) usually cause no signs unless the kidney becomes inflamed or the stones pass into the ureter.

Both dogs and cats are susceptible to kidney stones. Kidneys carry out of the actions of a filter. These may also be found in the bladder, but are also often found in the kidneys so may be referred to as renal calculi or nephroliths, or kidney stones.
Factors that make stone formation more likely are the pet being overweight and not drinking enough.
A muscular tube which connects the kidney to the bladder, the ureter also carries urine from kidneys to the bladder. Causes of ureteral obstruction include ureterolithiasis, ureteral strictures, dried solidifi ed blood stones, mucus, and tumors. Causes and types of kidney stones in cats most cats affected by stones are middle aged or older 1. X research source the merck/merial manual for pet health, <i>urinary stones (uroliths, calcili)'</i>, p.